Storm characteristics
ID | 11 |
Year | 1954 |
Month-Day | January 3-4, (Oct 29, Nov 25, Dec 13) |
Event ID | 1954-01 |
Storm Name | |
Country | Sweden |
Affected Area (ha) | |
QA | |
Primary damage (Mm3) | 18.45 |
Q1 | 3 |
Secondary damage (Mm3) | |
Q2 | |
Tertiary damage | |
Q3 | |
Estimated Standing Volume (Mm3) | 2062.13 |
QSV | |
Calculated % of Standing Volume Damaged | 0.89 |
Removals (Mm3) | 52.00 |
QR | |
Calculated % of Removals Damaged | 35.48 |
Maximum Wind Speed (m/s) | 36 |
QW | 3 |
Duration of Storm (Hrs) | |
QD | |
Value (Million Euros) in Year FOREST Damage | |
QV | |
Reference | Nilsson et al., 2004, Archive and Yearbooks at the Swedish National Board of Forestry, The Swedish National Forest Inventory, European Forest Wind Damage - Excel, By FR (p d), Schelhaas 2010 (Growing stock, annual fellings %, p d) |
Remark | |
Last update | 2012-07-13 16:49:28 |